Case Study 1: Additional Classrooms | Byford
Needing to cater to a greater number of students, the school called for tenders for providing additional classrooms that fit into the schools existing style and feel. The classrooms needed to be constructed during school terms and completed by the final term to provide sufficient time for the faculty to set up for the New Year.
With onsite challenges of retaining, access to the site, students on site and safety requirements, IQ Construction overcame these and delivered the finished classrooms on time and on budget.
Case Study 2: Administration/Office Renovation and Extension | Byford
With the existing staff room overcrowding and much-needed administration space, IQ Construction was awarded the tender to extend and renovate the staffroom, administration area and toilets.
Having to facilitate the construction program with the staff and provide temporary staff rooms, IQ Construction worked in closely with the principal and superintendent to provide temporary noise and dust barriers, data and power points, IT and printer points and access points to enable the staff to continue their education services with minimal disruption. The result was a finished project that surpassed expectations and was delivered on time and within budget.
We could look back on a very smooth operation and the result is fabulous
Case Study 3: Serpentine Jarrahdale Ambulance Hall Renovation | Serpentine
Being invited to tender on this community project, IQ Construction was awarded the contract and immediately commenced the works required. Having been advised that asbestos was on site, the necessary procedures were followed for its safe removal and disposal. With the local community also being involved in the process, we had to provide a flexible service that enabled the community wishes to be incorporated into the build process. On-time and on budget, the shire awarded us with a glowing reference.